Behaviour/Discipline Policy

Behaviour of pupils at MCA is very good and is often commented on by visitors. Children have many opportunities to play together and develop friendships. Our Behaviour and Discipline Policy is regularly reviewed and based on praise and reward systems as well as clear sanctions. Sometimes children misbehave. If this happens, we ensure you are informed and if appropriate, asked to meet with the teacher, or a more senior member of staff. Our aim is to keep you informed so that, together, we can support your child in improving their behaviour.


Issues relating to bullying are discussed in every class as part of our Personal, Social and Health Education programme (PSHE). Children are encouraged to tell an adult if they feel they are being bullied. We describe bullying as ‘the premeditated and continuous act of aggressive behaviour to another person’. This can be physical or mental and involve great distress and anxiety for all concerned. At MCA such behaviour is totally unacceptable. If you believe your child is in any way suffering from such actions, you should inform school immediately. We will listen carefully to any issues brought to us and act to stop any such behaviour. We never underestimate the seriousness of bullying and the negative effects it can have.


We hope that any complaints parents may have can be resolved by the school. Therefore, in the first instance, these should be made to the Headteacher. In most cases, complaints can be dealt with at an informal level.. The parent should submit the complaint in writing .


The staff all work very hard to ensure that all pupils are given the same opportunities and are able to access these. This is regardless of gender, race, religious background, financial circumstances or disabilities. We firmly believe that this is essential to promote a fair and just school.